
Real estate

How We Can Help

Our practices include land development, land transfer, project investment and financing, real estate development, project transfer, various M & A transactions, commercial housing sales, property operation and management, infrastructure and PPP, environment and energy, real estate related dispute resolution, etc., covering residential real estate, commercial real estate, industrial real estate, airport construction, park construction, hotel management, etc. Our clients include but are not limited to: government departments, investors, developers, construction enterprises, building materials enterprises, financial institutions, real estate funds, property enterprises, etc.

Real estate investment and financing

  • General financing of real estate enterprises

  • Private investment and financing of real estate projects

  • Real estate project trust financing

  • Real estate enterprises issue bonds for financing

  • Real estate asset securitization

Real estate development

  • Land investment and land transaction agreement

  • Compensation for land acquisition and demolition

  • Comprehensive land development and PPP

  • Legal structure of project development or cooperative development

  • Acquisition and transfer of state owned land use right

  • Pre-sale and sale of commercial housing

  • Merger and division of real estate enterprises or project companies

Real estate M & A transactions

  • The legal structure of real estate merger and acquisition

  • Legal due diligence

  • Drafting and negotiation of M & a legal documents

  • Approval and registration of relevant government departments

  • Tax issues involved in M & A

Property operation and management

  • Estate management

  • Legal and tax issues of property managementProperty leasing
