Family issues-HENGDU LAW FIRM


Family issues

How We Can Help

Our team can handle divorce, inheritance, division of property, equity division and other cases for the parties around the world, and draft various pre- marital, intra marital, divorce agreements, wills and other related documents. At present, we have undertaken many projects involving divorce, inheritance, division of property, equity transfer of family enterprises, division of divorce equity and inheritance of corporate equity.


  • Premarital property planning

  • Premarital property agreement

  • Marital property protection program

  • Formulation and negotiation of divorce negotiation scheme

  • Drafting of divorce agreement

  • Division of divorce property

  • Foreign marriage business


  • Disputes over legal inheritance

  • Disputes over testamentary inheritance

  • Dispute on settlement of debts of the deceased

  • Disputes over legacy support agreement

  • Bequest dispute

Family property management

  • Family business governance

  • Family trust

  • Insurance allocation

  • Tax planning

  • Family governance

  • Family charity

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